Project "I Have a Dream"

"I Have a Dream"
(empowering Roma women and girls through direct advocacy)
KUN Centre for Equality and Diversity, Норвегия.
Project parameters
Duration in months: 30
Planning region: all
Type: Project proposal under the Competition for strategic projects.
Contract amount: 142465.20 (EUR)
The project "I have a dream" is implemented with the financial support of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the Active Citizens Fund of Bulgaria within the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area.

"I Have a Dream" aims, with the support of Norwegian partner KUN, to test, implement and disseminate new methods for empowering Roma women and girls through advocacy, which is based on: a) development of personal skills and self-confidence and b) application of innovative models for direct advocacy via art and culture.
3) This project faces the task of a) building an internal (Roma communities) and external (public opinion) environment that respects the Roma woman as a person and at the same time b) gives tools to Roma women to defend themselves as citizens, who can fight for their rights, interests and dreams. The project will solve this task through innovative methods of empowerment through direct advocacy.
4) The project is implemented in partnership with the Norwegian NGO KUN. KUNs have extensive experience in empowering vulnerable social groups and are committed to the cause of protecting the rights of women and minorities. Therefore, they will participate in: (a) project research by exploring good empowerment practices; (b) self-confidence training for Roma women; and (c) seminars and advocacy via art, folklore and deliberative discussions.

The specific objectives are the introduction of innovative (new or improved) methods and approaches to the needs of vulnerable groups and training of representatives of vulnerable groups in advocacy for the needs of their communities, as well as support for advocacy campaigns initiated by them.
The project will be implemented in partnership with the Norwegian organization KUN Center for Equality and Diversity and is funded by the Active Citizens Fund, within the framework of EUR 142,000 under thematic priority № 3: "Empowerment of vulnerable groups", and lasts 30 months. The partner has extensive experience in training, organizing and conducting advocacy campaigns for vulnerable social groups (including women, minorities, people with disabilities) and is highly motivated to employ its expertise to empower Bulgarian Roma women through innovative advocacy methods. The partners will participate in reseraches of good practices from the EU and Norway on empowerment through advocacy; will provide methodological guidance in the personal skills and advocacy development trainings; will engage in deliberative discussions and advocacy campaigns. This will be of great use for the development of bilateral relations between Bulgaria and the donor countries under the program.
September 30, 2021
Start of the project
September 30, 2021
March 21, 2022
Start of project activities
December 31, 2022
Completion of the first stage
December 31, 2022
March 31, 2024
Final completion of the project