LARGO - Project "I have a dream"

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What we achieved within I Have a Dream project

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March 25, 2024

I Have a Dream project aims to evaluate, implement and disseminate with the support of its Norwegian partners (the Norwegian advocacy organisation KUN - Centre for Equality and Diversity, which has extensive experience in empowering vulnerable social groups, committed to the cause of women's and minorities' rights) new methods of empowering Roma women and girls through direct advocacy that empowers them and allows them to organize and defend their interests before local and central authorities, based on the following elements:

(a) development of personal skills and self-confidence


(b) the application of innovative Norwegian models of direct advocacy through the methods of art and culture.

This project aims to:

(a) create an internal (for the Roma community) and external (for public opinion) environment that demonstrates respect for Roma women as individuals and at the same time

b) to provide Roma women with tools to assert themselves as subjects who can fight for their rights, interests and dreams. The project addressed this task through innovative methods of empowerment through direct advocacy.

Achieved quantitative results for the 30 month project implementation: 

1.     The Bulgarian project team has held 33 team meetings;

2.     Within the 18 two-day soft skills trainings the 3 trainers have trained 315 participants from 6 locations;

3.     18 events have been organized, 6 public discussions have been held in 6 localities with the participation of about 150 people;

4.     A survey was also conducted on the Bulgarian and Norwegian side by organizing and conducting 6 focus groups and 17 in-depth interviews to explore the problems, challenges and opportunities facing Roma women with the participation of 63 representatives of the target group in the towns of Kyustendil, Radomir and Dupnitsa;

5.     As a result, 4 reports were written (1. Why Dreams Fly South report; 2. Roma in the EU and Norway: challenges and most effective practices for empowerment research paper, by Helene Röd and Kiril Gurvich, KUN Centre for Equality and Diversity, Norway; 3. Empirical research through in-depth interviews with representatives of the target groups, conducted by KUN Center for Equality and Diversity, Norway; 4. Report on the activities of Roma clubs "On the invention of biography, on leisure management and on the ability to be heard when you speak"). 5 types of communication and information materials were printed (information brochure, poster, Colourful melancholy booklet with personal stories , Why dreams fly south report; "Roma in the EU and Norway: challenges and most effective practices for empowerment study report);

6.     Over 300 participants took part in 160 gatherings of Roma Women's Clubs, with six advocacy campaigns in six localities and a travelling exhibition of 22 individual photographs, as well as two national meetings with 74 atendees;

7.     As part of a communication and public awareness campaign we got 24,696 visits to the project website, 47 posts were uploaded, and we produced 3 documentary videos on early marriage, Roma women's dreams for development and Roma education;

8.     FB profile of the project got over 60 individual posts that generated over

70,000 people outreach. Kyustendil, Sofia, Dupnitsa, Blagoevgrad and Pernik. Bulgaria, Germany and UK were the top three countries of visitors. We reported about 50 separate internet media coverages of our events through published articles and reports.

Quality results achieved

1 Surveys

Desk research colleagues from Norway carried out a study on good practices for Roma empowerment in the EU through direct advocacy, presenting concrete projects, campaigns and initiatives for empowerment through direct advocacy that will serve to implement this innovative method in our country. In addition, through in-depth interviews, they also produced a report on the situation of Roma in Norway, with topics covered including a description of discrimination in the housing market, education and work, gender inequality including domestic violence, antigypsyism and empowerment. On the Bulgarian side, we prepared Colourful melancholy booklet - a collection of personal Roma women's stories and experiences who have achieved success in different professional and life spheres, as well as a mirror non-representative qualitative study Why do dreams fly south? through qualitative sociological research methods (in-depth interviews and focus groups) on the situation, problems, challenges and opportunities facing Roma women in Bulgaria (in order to analyze different perspectives on Roma women's empowerment).




The project organized and held 6 one-day discussions in 6 cities of the country (Kyustendil, Botevgrad, Dupnitsa, Rakitovo, Radomir, Blagoevgrad). The aim of the meetings was to present the project, to share good practices, conclusions and recommendations from the research, as well as to discuss the idea of forming Roma women's clubs in the 6 cities. The meetings were attended by over 130 representatives of the target group (active Roma women from the local communities), selected with the help of 6 local NGOs. Our partners from KUN joined in with an encouraging video greetings - talking about their experiences with empowering vulnerable groups, the findings and conclusions of their research.


3 Roma Women's Clubs - impact /outputs - the aim of the clubs is to support Roma women in building personal skills and developing self-confidence; visual advocacy and advocacy through art and culture; direct advocacy, as well as developing attitudes, will and skills to organize and conduct direct advocacy campaigns. Participants discuss various topics related to problems in Roma neighborhoods (health, infrastructure, education, development opportunities), Roma customs, traditions, lifestyle, Roma cuisine, history of Roma ethnicity, leisure activities, opportunities for career development and improvement of living status, the role of women in the Roma community, etc. The coordinators of the clubs were Roma women from the local communities who recruited participants to the clubs, organized the meetings and managed the activities, i.e. we achieved direct involvement in the organization of the project and the local clubs at the local level, and where the women organized themselves. The project team supported the activities with methodological guidance.


4 Personal development trainings - impact /outputs - a series of trainings on soft skills on various topics were conducted (teamwork skills, self-confidence and self-perception, fighting stereotypes and prejudices, time management, opportunities for self-development), participation in activities and events to support confidence, motivation and empower Roma women and young girls to participate in the resolution of important civic problems and issues of public importance. Participation in the trainings gave new self-confidence and knowledge to the participants, influenced at local level to break stereotypes about the role and place of Roma women.



5.         Advocacy campaigns - impact /outputs – the latte were held in six localities, their main objective was to solve local problems in different areas, and developed the potential of the representatives of our target groups to self-organize, demonstrate self-empowerment, set goals and systematically achieve them. What they have in common is that they represent the pro-active civic behaviour of local residents from Roma neighbourhoods in the settlements, who show care and responsibility towards improving the lives of their local communities. The innovative method of empowerment through direct advocacy, which is the main objective of the project, was applied in this activity, as the implementation of the local campaigns was led by the Roma women's clubs and their participants.

6.     Information campaign - impact /outputs

The generic and paid campaign reached a huge range of the target group and the general public. Information on all project events and news have been regularly uploaded on the official project website and also on the project FB profile.This information continues to be disseminated to stakeholders of LARGO Association and submitted to the Active Citizens Fund.

7.     Traveling exhibition on direct advocacy through photovoice - impact /outputs – it depicted Roma women in a very different way - both in communities and families and in society as a whole: ambitious, confident, successful, independent, persistent, combinative, civic and economically active. The traveling exhibition reveals the many faces of successful Roma women - part of the Roma community in the country, who are the living example for others, and demonstrates the positive role models of successful women and girls in their fields of realization from six localities with Roma community. They are educated, beautiful, ambitious and determined to work in their chosen professions. The biggest challenge is to fight with themselves, to believe that they can, that they know and that they will succeed in their fields. Teacher of Bulgarian, English and mathematics, social worker, advocacy expert, mother, owner of an urgent care office, laboratory technician, health mediator, student, geologist, make-up artist, hairdresser, small-scale enetrpreneur - these women are living proof that Roma women are capable of achieving a lot and their achievements can be in different lights in different fields.


8.     Project sustainability

Through the project, we introduced and tested the model of direct advocacy, which empowers the target groups and allows them to organize and advocate their interests with local and central authorities. LARGO and LARGO's target groups developed their capacity to organise and run successful direct advocacy campaigns in different areas - health, social policies, education, culture, etc. Good practices for direct advocacy are available to all NGOs and informal civil society groups that would like to use this mechanism to protect their interests. The results will be sustainable, precisely because through the project we have shown that the model is applicable in our country, works effectively and the experience we have gained from its approbation is accessible to all. The direct advocacy practices are already being successfully replicated for other civic causes in different parts of the country - in USAID-funded LARGO project in Dupnitsa, Kyustendil and Radomir cities where there are advocacy campaigns for the rule of law, and in the new LARGO project funded by the Bulgarian Fund for Women in which national thematic trainings are provided. The direct advocacy approach was also integrated in the civic education curriculum at the Spanish High School in Sofia and at BUDITEL SofUtni High School.



The project "I have a dream" is implemented with the financial support of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the Active Citizens Fund of Bulgaria within the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area. All responsibility for the content of the document is borne by the Association Liberal alternative for Roma civil union - LARGO in partnership with KUN Center for Equality and Diversity - Norway and under no circumstances can it be assumed that this document reflects the official opinion of the Financial Mechanism of the European economic space and the Operator of Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria. .

I Have a Dream project is being implemented with financial support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Financial Mechanism. The main goal of the project "I have a dream" is to test, implement and disseminate innovative methods for empowering Roma women and girls through direct advocacy.




header largo dream


March 21, 2024


Get to Know Us is a project that will help to increase knowledge about national minorities and indigenous peoples in Norway, and is initiated and administered by the KUN Association - Centre for Diversity and Equality, Oslo, Norway.

The aim of the Know Us project is to increase expertise on national minorities and indigenous peoples in Norway. The background of the project is the realisation of the fact that the Norwegian population has insufficient knowledge about the group "kven"/Norwegian Finns, Jews, Forest Finns, Roma and Roma/Tatar. There is also a lack of knowledge about the six Sami groups that have a long history in Norway: Skalt Sami, Northern Sami, Lule Sami, Pite Sami, Ume Sami and Southern Sami. This was clearly highlighted in the Norwegian Institute of Human Rights' 2022 report. Through the project website, which contains podcasts, films, photos and a chronology of important historical events mentioned in the podcasts, you will learn about the history of the different groups.


In the videos Norwegian participants of Roma origin talk about what is best for them with their background, but also what they think the Norwegian population should know about the group and what is important for them for the future.

Within the project, the difficult period of the Norwegian transition in Norway from the mid-nineteenth century to the post-war period clearly emerges as a common historical framework that has implications for all groups. The Norwegian language was erased, families were separated from each other, deprived of land they had owned for centuries, and contributed to persecution and death. 

At the same time, there are similarities when it comes to the importance of music, crafts and, not least, the importance of community and the strength of unity. Last but not least, it becomes clear how important it is to know history in order to understand the present.

The project is funded by Bufdir.


Video interview - Somnakai, Roma from Norway

Video interview - Palermo, Roma from Norway

Video Interview - Amorina Lund, Roma from Norway

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The project "I have a dream" is implemented with the financial support of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the Active Citizens Fund of Bulgaria within the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area. All responsibility for the content of the document is borne by the Association Liberal alternative for Roma civil union - LARGO in partnership with KUN Center for Equality and Diversity - Norway and under no circumstances can it be assumed that this document reflects the official opinion of the Financial Mechanism of the European economic space and the Operator of Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria. .

I Have a Dream project is being implemented with financial support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Financial Mechanism. The main goal of the project "I have a dream" is to test, implement and disseminate innovative methods for empowering Roma women and girls through direct advocacy.



Invitation to the final press conference I have a dream project

header largo dream


March 7, 2024

pr dream poster 640LARGO Association - Kyustendil invites you to the final press conference I have a dream project which will be held on March 22, 2024, Friday, at 11:00 a.m. in BTA press club , Kyustendil, 19, Han Krum Str.


Within three years of the project LARGO Association in partnership with the Norwegian advocacy organization KUN - Center for Equality and Diversity has implemented new methods for empowering target groups - Roma women and girls, and the protection of women's and minority rights through the method of direct advocacy, which empowers them and allows them to organize and defend their interests before local and central authorities.

The main outputs of the project activities will be presented, plans for the continuation of the project, and some success stories and established models from project participants.






The project "I have a dream" is implemented with the financial support of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the Active Citizens Fund of Bulgaria within the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area. All responsibility for the content of the document is borne by the Association Liberal alternative for Roma civil union - LARGO in partnership with KUN Center for Equality and Diversity - Norway and under no circumstances can it be assumed that this document reflects the official opinion of the Financial Mechanism of the European economic space and the Operator of Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria. .

I Have a Dream project is being implemented with financial support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Financial Mechanism. The main goal of the project "I have a dream" is to test, implement and disseminate innovative methods for empowering Roma women and girls through direct advocacy.



Romano Kher Cultural Centre, Oslo, Norway

header largo dream


March 1, 2024

Romano Kher Cultural Centre /translated from Romani as "Roma House"/ is a Roma cultural and resource centre established in January 2018, located in the church of the Old Town in Oslo. On April 8, 2015, then Prime Minister Erna Solberg asked for forgiveness on behalf of the Norwegian government for the racist exclusionary policies directed at Norwegian Roma in the decade before and after World War II. Romano Kher was established as part of the Norwegian state's reparations for the national Roma minority. The cultural centre was founded in cooperation with the Norwegian City Church Mission and is housed in its building. The City Church Mission helps Norwegian Roma in their meetings with Norwegian institutions, running courses and programmes for schools that want to learn more about the minority group of Norwegian Roma, running recreational facilities for children and young people and spreading Roma culture through the use of public spaces.

The activities of the Romano Kher Cultural Centre

The Romano Kher Cultural Centre consists of a cultural centre, a mediation service and a leisure activities department for children and young people. In addition, it operates the media platform Nevimos Norvego, which has established the channel Romantika, which produces news and announcements in Romani and Norwegian on issues related to the Romani Norwegian minority in cooperation with the City Church Mission and London Business Memorandum. On 15 November 2021, the channel launched a new talk show, which is broadcast live by Romano Kerr. The show is called "Romano!".

Cultural Centre

The Cultural Centre organises culture days, film screenings and story nights to showcase the rich and diverse Roma culture to minority and majority audiences. Family days, parties and a celebration of International Roma Day on 8 April are also organised.

Mediation Service

It consists of counsellors and mediators of Roma origin as well as non-Roma Norwegian citizens. All counsellors have experience in working with Norwegian Roma, and offer individual counselling to Norwegian Roma, as well as advice and competence building for public services. The service also works to overcome prejudice against Norwegian Roma and advocacy to promote the rights of Roma as a national minority in Norway. In addition, its work includes school lectures based on dialogue.

Leisure activities - Kelasame club (let's play club)

The club provides leisure activities for children and young people, with homework help once a week in cooperation with a Norwegian school. The club has a boys' football team in cooperation with Stirling Football Club, and a girls' group that supports various activities.

Nevimos Norvego
 "Nevimos Norvego is a media platform where content is created based on real stories of Roma in Norway and Europe.

History of modern Norwegian Roma

In addition to the families that have been associated with Norway since the mid-19th century, there are several other groups of Roma in the country. The largest groups are itinerant Roma from Romania, refugees from the former Yugoslavia and refugees or their descendants from Slovakia.

Travelling Roma from Romania

There are currently several thousand so-called Travelling Roma in Norway. This means that they reside in Norway for one part of the year and in their home countries for the rest. Most of them are from Romania, but some are from other countries in the Balkans and Eastern Europe. Travelling Roma started arriving in Norway after Romania became a member of the EU in 2007. In Romania, Roma face strong discrimination and marginalisation. The main reason why so many of them leave the country in search of a better life is unemployment and extreme poverty. Most of them leave their families in their home country, which they support on the income they receive in Norway. Many of them save money to build or renovate their home or for medical problems.

Travelling Roma have often been the subject of negative treatment in the media and public debate. In many communities, Travelling Roma have been persecuted and often stripped of their belongings during clean-up operations. Most itinerant Roma in Norway earn their living primarily through begging, bottle collecting, street vending, street music or short-term work commitments.

Roma from Former Yugoslavia

The wars in the former Yugoslavia, especially in Bosnia (1992-95), forced many people to flee. Some of the refugees who arrived in Norway during these years belonged to the Roma minority. Most of them speak the dialects Arli or Gurbety. There is not much information about this group, as very few of them openly identify themselves as Roma in Norway. They simply call themselves Bosnians, Serbs or Albanians. During the Yugoslav wars the Roma were subjected to brutal oppression. They were often accused of being spies or otherwise in league with the enemy.

Roma from Slovakia

Over the last 20 years, many Roma of Slovak origin have intermarried with members of the Norwegian national Roma minority. Most of them have fled from Czechoslovakia to Sweden, mostly to Skåne, since the late 1960s. This group also belongs to the Vlach Roma group, which means that they also have a historical connection with the land now known as Romania. Although the Roma from Slovakia also speak Romani as their mother tongue, they speak a slightly different dialect to that practised by families with long-standing links to Norway.


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The project "I have a dream" is implemented with the financial support of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the Active Citizens Fund of Bulgaria within the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area. All responsibility for the content of the document is borne by the Association Liberal alternative for Roma civil union - LARGO in partnership with KUN Center for Equality and Diversity - Norway and under no circumstances can it be assumed that this document reflects the official opinion of the Financial Mechanism of the European economic space and the Operator of Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria. .

I Have a Dream project is being implemented with financial support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Financial Mechanism. The main goal of the project "I have a dream" is to test, implement and disseminate innovative methods for empowering Roma women and girls through direct advocacy.



Roma Woman is ...

header largo dream

Photo Voice traveling exhibition of women's advocacy clubs within I Have a Dream project

04 Januaryr 2024

The traveling exhibition reveals the many faces of successful Roma women - part of the Roma community in the country who are the living example for others, and demonstrates the positive role models of successful women and girls in their fields of realization from six settlements with Roma community /Kyustendil, Rakitovo, Radomir, Kovachevo, Botevgrad, Dupnitsa/. They are educated, beautiful, ambitious and determined to work in their chosen professions. The biggest challenge is to prove to themselves, to believe that they are capable, that they have the know how and that they will succeed in their spheres of life. A Bulgarian, English teacher and mathematics, a social worker, an advocacy expert, a mother, an owner of an urgent care office, a laboratory technician, a health mediator, a student, a future geologist, a make-up artist, a hairdresser, a small business owner - these women are living proof that Roma women are capable of achieving a lot and their achievements can be in different lights in different fields.


The exhibition can be seen in the following cities:

Botevgrad - 9-15.01.2024, opening 11,00 am, Heterotopia Hall, Botevgrad Municipality, 13 Osvobojdeniе Square

Radomir - 18 - 26.01.2024,Hristo Smirnenski Primary School, 28 Brothers Milenkovi Str.

Rakitovo - 30.01- 6.2.2024, Centre for work with children and parents, 48 Vela Peeva Str

Dupnitsa - 12-20.2. 2024


The exhibition is part of an advocacy campaign of women's clubs under I Have a Dream project.



The project "I have a dream" is implemented with the financial support of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the Active Citizens Fund of Bulgaria within the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area. All responsibility for the content of the document is borne by the Association Liberal alternative for Roma civil union - LARGO in partnership with KUN Center for Equality and Diversity - Norway and under no circumstances can it be assumed that this document reflects the official opinion of the Financial Mechanism of the European economic space and the Operator of Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria. .

I Have a Dream project is being implemented with financial support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Financial Mechanism. The main goal of the project "I have a dream" is to test, implement and disseminate innovative methods for empowering Roma women and girls through direct advocacy.



Advocacy campaigns of six Roma women's clubs in six localities, defending the rights and interests of Roma women in Bulgaria

header largo dream

13 November 2023

     Six advocacy campaigns are under implementation in the towns of Dupnitsa, Radomir, Botevgrad, Kyustendil, Rakitovo and in the village of Kovachevo. What they have in common is that they represent the pro-active civic behaviour of local residents from Roma neighbourhoods in six localities who show care and responsibility towards improving the lives of their local communities. In the framework of this activity, the innovative method of empowerment through direct advocacy is applied, which is the main objective of the I Have a Dream project.

     The advocacy campaign of the women's club "Faith, Hope and Love", Botevgrad is aimed at Roma women. More and more often we meet young girls of Roma origin who at a tender age drop out of the education system and get married. In their efforts to care for others, to be good mothers and wives, they do not notice how the burden of family life leads to self-neglect, low self-esteem, insecurity, lack of dreams and "living by habit".

Therefore, the campaign is aimed at the empowerment of Roma women and aims to promote good examples of Roma women, among Roma neighborhoods and club women. Believing that this pressing issue that affects the Roma community can, with a joint effort and teamwork of the women's club, reach more and more women and girls for the desired change.

Botevgrad Campaign




     The aim of the campaign in Rakitovo is to present a positive image of Roma women by promoting traditional Roma crafts, lifestyle and culture as a counterbalance to the prevailing negative attitudes and accumulated stereotypes towards Roma women by society, the hate speech in the media and public space and the low self-esteem of Roma women and lack of confidence in their own capabilities. After the club meeting with the club participants and introducing the aims and objectives of the campaign, drawings on Roma themes were made, collected into photos for the travelling exhibition, and various beautiful handicrafts were made by the women in preparation for the exhibition. Last but not least, Roma culinary dishes typical of Roma cuisine have been prepared and presented.

The culmination of the campaign was the Evening of the Roma Woman, which presented handicrafts, Roma culinary dishes, a presentation on the role of the Roma woman, the importance of traditional Roma holidays, lifestyle and culture, and a discussion on the positive image of the Roma woman with the participation of local residents.

Rakitovo Campaign




     In the town of Radomir the participants of the women's club "Dreams in high heels" chose as the theme of their advocacy campaign a very pressing problem in the Roma neighborhood, namely - the construction of artificial bumps on the main street, necessitated by driving on certain sections of the neighborhood in the town. In some parts of the neighbourhood there are also areas of the street in Radomir where people drive at an unreasonable speed. For support, the participants have approached and enlisted local citizens, neighbors, victims and dissenting traffic at the intersection of St. Radomirska 25 and ul. Haidut Milenko, and have sought assistance from the Municipality of Radomir and the District Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the town. They have also sought the assistance of the Radomir Police Department. For the implementation of the campaign the participants informed the local community, made a detailed study of the problem, planned the campaign and prepared and submitted an application to Radomir Municipality and the District Police Department of Radomir. They have submitted a petition to the Radomir Police Department. The municipal budget is to be discussed, in which such an expense is to be included, the terrain is to be photographed by an engineering team of Radomir Municipality and the necessary artificial bumps are to be built.

Radomir Campaign




     In Kovachevo village the local coordinator has set out to clean the local park, as well as to organize a self-help club for the education of the participants, most of whom are high school students - namely to help in the preparation of study material for members of the women's club who have difficulties in the learning process.

Kovachevo Campaign




     The participants from the club in Dupnitsa just like their colleagues from the village of. Kovachevo, have set out to organize and carry out an action to clean the Kavaklia district in the town. The participants took part in the activity of the village of Kavaqiva. The ultimate goal is to demonstrate care for the environment, to set a good example and become a role model by keeping their neighborhood clean, and to educate responsibility and active citizenship in the younger generations. The idea of the women's club is to make the coming generation more responsible and strive to protect the environment. After the end of the action, rules for keeping the neighborhood clean were distributed - use of reusable bags /paper or cloth/, prohibition of littering on the street, separate collection of garbage and its disposal in designated places, cleaning of polluted streets in the neighborhood. Along with the success of the campaign, the participants did not overlook the problems they encountered - the small number of residents willing to join the campaign and the lack of interest and cooperation from local authorities.

Dupnitza Campaign




     In the city of Kyustendil, the advocacy campaign took the form of an exhibition "The Roma woman is....", opened on 15 October 2023 at the Municipal Drama Theatre, Kyustendil. The exhibition was opened by Annie Kovacheva - President of the Women's Club at LARGO Association, Sasho Kovachev - President of LARGO Association and Dr. Venelin Stoychev - advocacy expert. The lobby of the theatre gathered organizers, supporters, volunteers, staff from LARGO Association, representatives of local institutions in the city and guests from the project team.

They are young, educated, beautiful, part of the Roma community, do not fit into the stereotypes usually attributed to them, and are determined to work in their chosen professions and fields of activity, and are an example for the rest of the community. The biggest challenge is to fight themselves, to believe they can. The exhibition, decided in the format of "photo voices" revealed the many faces of the successful Roma woman entrepreneur, social worker, mother, singer, small business owner, hairdresser, student, pharmacist, and showed the positive role models of successful women and girls from the Roma community in Kyustendil in their fields of realization, to show that the Roma woman is able to achieve a lot and her achievements can be in different lights in different paths of life.

Kyustendil Campaign




     The advocacy campaigns are implemented within the framework of the project "I have a dream", implemented by the Association LARGO - Sofia. Kyustendil in cooperation with KUN Association - Norway, with financial support provided by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Financial Mechanism. The main objective of the project "I Have a Dream" is to approbate, implement and disseminate innovative methods for empowering Roma women and girls through direct advocacy.



 For more information and contact: Sasho Kovachev, LARGO Association, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The project "I have a dream" is implemented with the financial support of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the Active Citizens Fund of Bulgaria within the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area. All responsibility for the content of the document is borne by the Association Liberal alternative for Roma civil union - LARGO in partnership with KUN Center for Equality and Diversity - Norway and under no circumstances can it be assumed that this document reflects the official opinion of the Financial Mechanism of the European economic space and the Operator of Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria. .

I Have a Dream project is being implemented with financial support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Financial Mechanism. The main goal of the project "I have a dream" is to test, implement and disseminate innovative methods for empowering Roma women and girls through direct advocacy.



Second National Meeting of Roma Women's Clubs - 4-5 November 2023, Bansko

header largo dream

6 November 2023

On 4 and 5 November 2023 in the town of. The second national meeting of representatives of Roma women's clubs and planning and analysis of advocacy campaigns in 6 localities was held in Bansko on 5 and 6 November 2023.

For two days the participants from the six clubs presented, analyzed, exchanged positive experiences and discussed the planning, construction, implementation and current status of advocacy campaigns in the towns of Dupnitsa, Botevgrad, Rakitovo, Kyustendil, Radomir and Kovachevo village, municipality of Septemvri. They also received feedback and guidance on the planned campaigns, successes and difficulties in their planning and implementation. 

The themes of the campaigns were environmental protection, ecology, Roma women empowerment, health, education, culture. Participants from different cities were able to share about the successes, difficulties and challenges in planning and implementing the campaigns, and also outlined their visions for the future of the clubs and club activities in 2024.  During the meeting, the three video reports of LARGO Association on education, early marriage and Roma women empowerment were presented, as well as a video message by Marte Tyler Bye - advocacy expert at the KUN Centre for Equality and Diversity - Norway - a partner in the implementation of the project from the Norwegian side. 

The meeting was realized within I have a dream project implemented by LARGO Association - Kyustendil in cooperation with KUN Centre for Equality and Diversity - Norway, with financial support provided by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Active Citizens Fund Operator Bulgaria The main objective of the project "I Have a Dream" is to approbate, implement and disseminate innovative methods for empowering Roma women and girls through direct advocacy.


 For more information and contact: Sasho Kovachev, LARGO Association, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Photos from the event:


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srehsta 2023-11-06
srehsta 2023-11-06
srehsta 2023-11-06
srehsta 2023-11-06
srehsta 2023-11-06
srehsta 2023-11-06
srehsta 2023-11-06
srehsta 2023-11-06
srehsta 2023-11-06
srehsta 2023-11-06
srehsta 2023-11-06
srehsta 2023-11-06


The project "I have a dream" is implemented with the financial support of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the Active Citizens Fund of Bulgaria within the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area. All responsibility for the content of the document is borne by the Association Liberal alternative for Roma civil union - LARGO in partnership with KUN Center for Equality and Diversity - Norway and under no circumstances can it be assumed that this document reflects the official opinion of the Financial Mechanism of the European economic space and the Operator of Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria. .

I Have a Dream project is being implemented with financial support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Financial Mechanism. The main goal of the project "I have a dream" is to test, implement and disseminate innovative methods for empowering Roma women and girls through direct advocacy.


