LARGO - Project "I have a dream"

Roma woman is ....

header largo dream

Photo Voice exhibition of the Women's Advocacy Club at LARGO Association - Kyustendil

15 October 2023

Today at 11.30 a.m. was opened Photo Voice exhibition of women's advocacy club of LARGO Association "Roma woman is ....". The exhibition was opened by Annie Kovacheva - Chairperson, Women's Club, Sasho Kovachev - Chairperson and Dr. Venelin Stoychev - Advocacy Expert at LARGO Association. The foyer of the Municipal Drama Theatre, Kyustendil gathered organizers, supporters, volunteers, staff from LARGO Association, representatives of local city institutions and guests from I Have a Dream project team.


They are young, educated, beautiful, part of the Roma community, do not fit into the stereotypes usually attributed to them, and are determined to work in their chosen professions and fields of activity, and are an example for the rest of the community. The biggest challenge is to fight themselves, to believe they can. The exhibition reveals the many faces of a successful Roma woman - entrepreneur, social worker, mother, singer, small business owner, hairdresser, student, pharmacist, and showed the positive role models of successful women and girls from the Roma community in Kyustendil in their fields of realization to show that Roma women are capable of achieving a lot and their achievements can be in different lights in different fields.


The exhibition is realized within the advocacy campaign of the women's club of the LARGO Association under the project "I have a dream", and can be viewed in the lobby of the Municipal Drama Theatre, Kyustendil, until the end of the month. The exhibition will be available until the end of October 2023.


Event poster:


The project "I have a dream" is implemented with the financial support of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the Active Citizens Fund of Bulgaria within the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area. All responsibility for the content of the document is borne by the Association Liberal alternative for Roma civil union - LARGO in partnership with KUN Center for Equality and Diversity - Norway and under no circumstances can it be assumed that this document reflects the official opinion of the Financial Mechanism of the European economic space and the Operator of Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria. .

I Have a Dream project is being implemented with financial support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Financial Mechanism. The main goal of the project "I have a dream" is to test, implement and disseminate innovative methods for empowering Roma women and girls through direct advocacy.



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