Why do Dreams Migrate to South?? (LARGO’s report - I Have a Dream project)
07 December 2022

In her book Freedom is a Constant Struggle the famous human rights activist and activist Angela Davis[1] analyzes Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous 1963 I Have a Dream speech. Davis insists that many people misunderstood the essend of the speech because they think King's main message is that people should not give up on their dreams and struggle to make them come true. Such an interpretation of Martin Luther King's words is foolish according to Davis[2] because everyone has dreams and wants their dreams to come true.
But the current empirical study contradicts Angela Davis's words. Not everyone has dreams. Focus groups and in-depth interviews with dozens of Roma women in Bulgaria failed to elicit even a single dream. On the contrary - research among this target group has repeatedly registered a state of general resignation to the world and fate, withdrawal from life, social apathy, nostalgia and sadness for the unfulfilled youth and childhood dreams. It is not necessary that this resignation is filled with negative emotions, is related to any depressive states, oppression or despair although there are similar cases. Many of the women in the study were generally satisfied with their lives, cherished their families, children or grandchildren and did not complain excessively about their work, payments, bills or living conditions. But they failed to formulate a dream, a goal, a vision for a better future even with repeated prompts and direct insistences from the interviewers...
Read here the full text of the report: линк на думата here към Report_survey_Dream_ENG:
[1] https://www.amazon.com/Freedom-Constant-Struggle-Palestine-Foundations/dp/1608465640 [2] King's main message is not to pursue our individual dreams but our collective goals, Davis insists.
The project "I have a dream" is implemented with the financial support of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the Active Citizens Fund of Bulgaria within the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area. All responsibility for the content of the document is borne by the Association Liberal alternative for Roma civil union - LARGO in partnership with KUN Center for Equality and Diversity - Norway and under no circumstances can it be assumed that this document reflects the official opinion of the Financial Mechanism of the European economic space and the Operator of Active Citizens Fund Bulgaria www.activecitizensfund.bg .